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产品: 浏览次数:0重庆西门子变频器代理商 
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单价: 10.00元/台
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最后更新: 2018-09-27
4042948664957 | 6SL3210-5BB22-2UV0
SINAMICS V20 1AC200-240V-10/+10% 47-63Hz 标称功率 2.2 mit 150% 过载 用于 60sec 未过滤 I/O-Interface:4DI,2DO, 2AI,1AO 现场总线:USS/MODBUS RTU mit eingebautem BOP 防护方式 IP20/UL Open 型式 尺寸: FSC 184x 182x 169(宽x高x深)
产品信息 Product Information  03/2018 SINAMICS V20 智能连接模块(选件) SINAMICS V20 Smart Access (option)  模块支持变频器固件版本 3.92 及以上。模块的安装使用详情,请见SINAMICS V20 变频器《操作说明》。 The supported inverter firmware version must be 3.92 or later. For more information on how to install and use the module, see SINAMICS V20 Inverter Operating Instructions . (手册下载 Manual download: https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/13208/man) 智能连接模块 SINAMICS V20 Smart Access 订货号 Article number: 6SL3255-0VA00-5AA0 
功能 Functionality SINAMICS V20 智能连接模块是一款集成了 Wi-Fi 连接功能的 Web 服务器模块。该模块仅供调试使用,不可长 期与变频器共用。通过此模块可实现从所连设备(带无线网卡的传统 PC、平板电脑或者智能手机)对变频器的 基于 Web 的访问,从而对变频器进行快速调试、参数设置、JOG、监控、诊断、数据备份与恢复等操作。 SINAMICS V20 Smart Access is a Web server module with integrated Wi-Fi connectivity. This module is only for commissioning and thus cannot be used with the inverter permanently. It allows Web-based access to the inverter from a connected device (conventional PC with wireless network adapter installed, tablet or smart phone) to realize inverter operations including quick commissioning, inverter parameterization, JOG, monitoring, diagnostics, backup and restore, etc. 连接设备 Connecting the device 将模块安装至 V20 之前,如果存在 RS485 通讯,必须先通过 BOP 将 P2010[1] 设置为 12。 Before fitting the module to V20, if RS485 communication is present, you must set P2010[1] = 12 via the BOP. 
注意 Notice 不恰当地安装或移除可导致设备故障 Equipment malfunctions due to improper installing or removing V20 变频器通电状态时安装或移除 SINAMICS V20 智能连接模块可导致 SINAMICS V20 智能连接模块故障。 Installing or removing SINAMICS V20 Smart Access when the V20 inverter is in power-on state can cause malfunctions of SINAMICS V20 Smart Access. • 安装或移除 SINAMICS V20 智能连接模块前必须确保 V20 变频器已断电。 Make sure that the V20 inverter is powered off before installing or removing SINAMICS V20 Smart Access. 状态 LED Status LED LED 颜色 LED color 含义 Meaning 红色常亮 Solid red 客户端已连接至模块,模块与变频器 USS 通讯失败。 One client is connected to the module and USS communication between the module and the inverter fails. 绿色常亮 Solid green 模块正在工作,客户端已连接至模块。 The module is running and one client is connected to it. 黄色常亮 Solid yellow 模块正在工作,无客户端连接至模块。 The module is running and no client is connected to it. 红色闪烁 Flashing red 1 Hz 频率闪烁 Flashing at 1 Hz 无客户端连接至模块,模块与变频器 USS 通讯失败。 No client is connected to the module and USS communication between the module and the inverter fails. 0.5 Hz 频率闪烁 Flashing at 0.5 Hz 模块正在启动。 The module is starting. 绿色闪烁 Flashing green 模块正在工作,一个 WebSocket 通道已连接至模块。 The module is running and one WebSocket channel is connected to it. 黄色闪烁 Flashing yellow 模块重启提醒。 Reminder of restarting the module. 红色和黄色交替闪烁 Flashing red & yellow alternatively Web 应用程序、固件、或者服务包正在更新。 The Web application, firmware, or service package is upgrading. 技术规格 Technical specifications 额定电压 Rated voltage 24 V DC 无线技术和工作频率 Wireless technology and working frequency Wi-Fi 2400 MHz - 2483.5 MHz 无线调制制式 Wireless modulation type 802.11 b/g 调制技术 Modulation technology 802.11b: CCK, DSSS 802.11g: OFDM **射频功率 Maximum radio frequency power 17.5 dBm (EIRP *)) 天线增益 Antenna gain 1.9 dBi 极限工作温度范围 Extreme temperature range -10 °C - 60 °C *) EIRP 表示等效全向辐射功率。EIRP means effective isotropic radiated power. 说明 Note 无线通讯距离(无屏障)**可达 140 m,但该值可能随环境条件发生变化。 The wireless communication distance (without barrier) can reach a maximum of 140 m; however, this value can vary with the environmental conditions. 
带无线网卡的设备 Device with wireless network adapter 
操作系统 Operating system 
推荐使用的 Web 浏览器 Recommended Web browser PC Windows 7 • ≥ Google Chrome 56.0 • ≥ IE 11.0.9600 • ≥ Firefox 53.0 智能手机/平板电脑 Smart phone/tablet ≥ Apple iOS 10.2 • ≥ Google Chrome 55.0 • ≥ Firefox 6.1 • Safari ≥ Android 7.0 • ≥ Google Chrome 58.0 • ≥ Firefox 53
版权所有 2016,西门子数控(南京)有限公司 Copyright 2016 © Siemens Numerical Control Ltd., Nanjing A5E39145156-006
首次无线网络连接的操作步骤 Operating sequence for first wireless network connection 1. 将模块安装至变频器,并将模块的电源开关滑动至“ON”档给模块上电。 Fit the module to the inverter and power on the module by sliding its power switch to “ON”. 2. 启用 PC/移动设备内的 Wi-Fi 接口。如需在 PC 上建立无线网络连接,确保自动 IP 设置已启用。 Activate the Wi-Fi interface inside your PC or mobile device. If you desire to establish the wireless network connection on your PC, make sure that the automatic IP settings are activated. 3. 搜索 SINAMICS V20 的无线网络 SSID,例如:“V20 smart access_a4d3e1”。 Search the wireless network SSID of the SINAMICS V20, for example, “V20 smart access_a4d3e1”. 4. 输入无线网络密码启动连接(默认密码:12345678)。 Enter the wireless password to launch the connection (default password: 12345678). 5. 在 PC 或移动设备浏览器的地址栏中输入网址(打开 V20 网页。 Enter this address ( in the URL bar of the browser on your PC or mobile device to open the V20 Web pages. 6. 输入新密码(8 至 12 个字符,**于以下三类字符:① 字母:A-Z、a-z;②数字:0-9;③特殊字符:_、、~、!、@、#、$、%、^、& 及 *,不可使用空格),按下 <OK> 按钮确认,模块自动重启。 Enter the new password (8 to 12 characters limited to the following three categories of characters: ① letters: A-Z, a-z; ② numbers: 0-9; ③ special characters: _, -, ~, ! , @, #, $, %, ^, & and *, the space character is not allowed). Confirm the password with the <OK> button, then the module restarts. 注意,该密码设置页包含一个密码安全级别指示器。指示器会根据新密码的复杂程度给出如下提示: • 低:弱密码。新密码仅包含一类字符。 • 中:中等强度密码。新密码包含两类字符。 • 高:强密码。新密码包含三类字符。 Note that this password setting page includes a password security level indicator. The indicator displays as follows with the complexity of the new password: • Low: weak password. The new password consists of only one category of characters. • Medium: middle-strength password. The new password consists of two categories of characters. • High: strong password. The new password consists of three categories of characters. 7. 输入新设置的 Wi-Fi 密码启动连接。重复执行第 5 步访问 V20 网页。 Enter the new Wi-Fi password to launch the connection. Repeat Step 5 to access the V20 Web pages.
CE 认证和 FCC 标准 CE certificate and FCC standard 欧洲 EMC 指令 European EMC Directive  当按照 SINAMICS V20 变频器《操作说明》进行安装时,SINAMICS V20 变频器及 SINAMICS V20 智能连接模块符合电气传动系统的 EMC 产品标准 EN 61800-3 中规定 的有关电磁兼容性的全部要求。 When installed according to the recommendations described in SINAMICS V20 Inverter Operating Instructions , SINAMICS V20 and SINAMICS V20 Smart Access fulfill all requirements of the EMC Directive as defined by the EMC Product Standard for Power Drive Systems EN 61800-3. 欧洲 RED 指令 European RED Directive  SINAMICS V20 智能连接模块符合无线电设备指令(RED)2014/53/EU 的以下标准的 要求: SINAMICS V20 Smart Access complies with the following requirements of Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU:  • 条款 3(1)(a) 健康和安全 (EN 60950-1, EN 62479) Article 3(1)(a) Health and Safety (EN 60950-1, EN 62479) • 条款 3(1)(b) EMC (EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-17) Article 3(1)(b) EMC (EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-17) • 条款 3(2) 无线电频谱 (EN 300 328) Article 3(2) Spectrum (EN 300 328) 你可以使用此链接下载 RED 2014/53/EU 的证书: You can use the following link to download the certificate of RED 2014/53/EU: http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/60668840/134200 
SINAMICS V20 Smart Access complies with the appropriate FCC standard*). 
*) 任何未经 SIEMENS 明确批准的对本设备的更改或修改,都可能导致操作本设备的 FCC 授权失效。该设备符 合 FCC 标准中第 15 部分的要求。其操作遵循以下两个条件:(1)该设备不得造成有害干扰。(2)设备必须 承受所受到的任何干扰,包括可能导致异常操作的干扰。 *) Changes or modifications made to this device not expressly approved by SIEMENS may void the FCC authorization to operate this device. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 
版权所有 2016,西门子数控(南京)有限公司 Copyright 2016 © Siemens Numerical Control Ltd., Nanjing A5E39145156-006 
无线网络连接示例 Wireless network connection examples     复位 Wi-Fi 配置Resetting Wi-Fi configuration 
升级 Web 应用程序和 SINAMICS V20 智能连接模块固件版本 Upgrading the Web application and SINAMICS V20 Smart Access firmware 说明 Note 除了 Web 应用程序和固件升级外,你还可以升级服务包版本,增强网络安全性。升级服务包前,请确保 Smart Access 的固件为 V01.02.05 或之后的版本。 In addition to the Web application upgrade and the firmware upgrade, you can also upgrade the service package to enhance the network security level. Before upgrading the service package, make sure that the Smart Access firmware version is V01.02.05 or later. 基本升级方法 Basic upgrading method 1. 从此网站下载升级文件至本地磁盘(推荐在 PC 上操作)。 Download the upgrade file from this Web site to your local drive (recommended on PC). https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/13208 2. 将模块电源开关滑动至“OFF”档,按住模块上的复位按钮,然后将电源开关滑动至“ON”档。 Slide the power switch of the module to "OFF". Keep the reset button pressed and slide the power switch to "ON". 常规升级方法 Conventional upgrading method 1. 从此网站下载升级文件至本地磁盘(推荐在 PC 上操作)。Download the upgrade file from this Web to your local drive (recommended on PC). https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/13208 2. 访问 V20 网页(,按下图进行升级操作。 Access the V20 Web page ( Proceed as follows to perform the upgrade. 3. 访问此网站打开基本升级网页。Visit this Web site to open the Web page for basic upgrading. 4. 按下图完成升级操作。Proceed as follows to complete the upgrade.
3. 重启模块,清除浏览器缓存并刷新 Web 应用程序。 Restart the module, clear the browser cache and refresh your Web application.
5. 重启模块,清除浏览器缓存并刷新 Web 应用程序。 Restart the module, clear the browser cache and refresh your Web application.
Windows 7 Android/iOS 变频器处于上电状态时,按下模块上的复位按钮可将 Wi-Fi 配置恢复至默认设置: When the inverter is in power-on state, pressing the reset button on the module resets the Wi-Fi configuration to defaults: • Wi-Fi (SSID): V20 smart access_xxxxxx “xxxxxx” 代表模块 MAC 地址**后六个字符。 “xxxxxx” stands for the last six characters of the module MAC address. • Wi-Fi 密码 Wi-Fi password: 12345678 • 频率通道 Frequency channel: 1 1. 点击 PC 任务栏中的  图标。 Click the  icon in the taskbar on your PC. 进入平板电脑或智能手机的 Wi-Fi界 面,选择网络并输入无线网络密码启动 连接。 Enter the Wi-Fi window of your tablet or smart phone, select the target network and enter the wireless password to launch the connection. 2. 选择目标网络并输入无线网络密码启动连接。 Select the target network and enter the wireless password to launch the connection. 说明 Note 在按下复位按钮复位 Wi-Fi 配置之前,请先检查模块上的状态 LED 的颜色。只有在状态 LED 显示绿色常亮/黄色常亮或呈绿色闪烁时,按下复位按钮才可成功执行 Wi-Fi 配置复 位。 Make sure you check the status LED on the module before pressing the reset button to reset the Wi-Fi configuration. only when the status LED lights up solid green/solid yellow or flashes green, can the Wi-Fi configuration be reset successfully with the reset button. 
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